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Helping a couple of long-time business owners get back to work and realize their dream of running a successful business once again.


For some people, business is just in their blood. They possess the entrepreneurial spirit to run their own company and build something special. Such was the story of a couple that recently came to KLR Wealth Management with a desire to run their own business – again.


After owning a business for 25 years, this couple had decided to sell the company and enjoy their retirement. While vacationing and enjoying time with friends was wonderful, they felt that something was missing, namely the challenge and sense of accomplishment that they felt when running their own company. By the second year of their retirement, the couple was ready to get back to work.

As luck would have it, this couple’s desire to get back into business coincided with a friend presenting them with a wonderful new opportunity – the chance to run a tourism-based business in Alaska! This venture was in the same industry that the couple’s previous company was in, so they knew that they could use their experience and knowledge to run a profitable business while still partaking in some of the retirement activities that they had come to enjoy. It was a perfect scenario in every way, but that didn’t mean that there were not hurdles that had to be overcome.

Expert Advice

To seize this unique opportunity, the couple had to move fast and they needed money. In their particular circumstance, they knew that would be a challenge, so their first call was to their advisor - Peri Ann Aptaker, at KLR Wealth. Peri presented the couple with several options, one of which was a line of credit at a very low interest rate secured by the couple’s investment portfolio. That option proved to be a perfect fit, and within two weeks, the couple found themselves as owners of a business once again and they had this to say.

“Money is not always easy to talk about, but with KLR’s knowledge and resources, it became clear that I came to the right place.” – Robert Allen
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