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How we help

Delivering a full range of business requirements

Our valuation and litigation professionals are highly trained, nationally accredited and have over 100 years of experience. KLR’s expert witnesses have been qualified to testify in Federal and State courts. We serve as court-appointed experts and provide assistance in settlement negotiations, collaborative engagements and mediations.

Practice Leader(s)

Insert headline about tax and financial reporting

Include an optional one-liner here.

Financial Reporting

  • ASC 718, formerly SFAS 123R (Stock Option Valuation)
  • ASC 815, formerly SFAS 133 (Embedded Derivatives)
  • ASC 805, formerly SFAS 141R (Purchase Price Allocation)
  • ASC 350, formerly SFAS 142 (Goodwill Impairment Testing)
  • ASC 360, formerly SFAS 144 (Long Lived Asset Impairment)
  • ASC 820, formerly SFAS

Tax Reporting

  • Estate and gift taxes
  • 409A Valuations
  • Charitable Contributions
  • S Corp Conversion
  • Family Limited Partnerships (FLP)

Insert headline about corporate planning

Some further content about corporate planning:

  • Private Equity Portfolio Fund Valuations
  • Buy/Sell Agreements
  • Shareholder Buyouts
  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Internal Planning and Capital Raising

Ready to talk? Connect with us today.

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