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Support and Guidance

At KLR we recognize the importance of career development. We are committed to building a healthy, high-performance work environment which means providing opportunities for each team member to reach his/her full career potential.

We understand that no two career paths are the same and each one of our team members has unique personal and professional goals. We encourage you to be inspired and pursue these goals throughout your career, and we are here to help! We provide all professionals with the resources and support needed to achieve career goals, including our mentor and emerging leaders programs.

Coaching Our Next Generation of Leaders

KLR’s three-year emerging leaders program is aimed at developing the talent of the future. We guide team members through the process of setting and accomplishing goals and assignments that will help position them for a leadership role within the firm.

Participants in this program take part in monthly conference calls led by notable leadership coaches, are assigned independent work and complete a capstone project at the culmination of each year. Our emerging leaders program is designed in such a way to allow individuals to further develop their core management and interpersonal skills.

Leadership skills are best learned by doing, so in the first two years of the program participants will focus on developing skills related to:

  • Business Development
  • Client Management
  • Personal Development
  • Team Development
  • Leadership Development

Year three focuses on complex goals that require greater effort and leadership ability and utilization of the skills learned in years one and two to complete.

Many of our Emerging leaders program participants have found it to be a challenging but rewarding experience that has helped them grow professionally and personally.

Guidance when you need it most

The voluntary mentor program at KLR was designed with your career development and advancement in mind. Our mentor program aims to give both mentors and mentees the resources needed to achieve their professional and personal goals.

Mentor program FAQs

Q: How do I become a Mentee?

Once you have learned the ropes as a new associate and have a year of experience at the firm we welcome and encourage your participation in the mentor program.

Q: Who would be my mentor?

Staff can select a mentor of their choice typically someone one to two levels higher than their current position. For example, associates can select a supervisor/ manager as a mentor.

Q: Can I be a Mentor?

At KLR we take the mentor role very seriously and require anyone interested in becoming a mentor to complete our mentor training program. Supervisors and above can partake in the training and will be evaluated on their commitment to maintaining the integrity of the program with their mentees.

Q: I would like to be a Mentor, what type of commitment does it involve?

As a mentor you should be willing and able to help mentees reach their highest potential. Your guidance and support will be based on your mentee's experiences, career goals and challenges so your commitment to the program will depend on your willingness to help your mentee succeed. An effective mentor is respectful, trusting, non-judgmental and confident. They have the ability to create a comfortable environment that allows for a meaningful, candid discussion.

Q: I would like to be a Mentee, What Type of Commitment Does it Involve?

Mentors and mentees should meet quarterly, or more often, as needed. To help you get the most out of your time with your mentor, one mentor lunch per quarter is on us and will be reimbursed by the firm.

As a mentee, it is important for you to take an active role in developing the relationship with your mentor and as you progress towards your career goals. To achieve this, it helps for mentees to develop a list of yearly goals. This list can then be reviewed with your mentor and serve as a guide for your career plan.

Mentees will also be encouraged to create a summary of each meeting outlining the general topics of discussion and progress towards achieving their goals. In addition to this, mentees can and should share all successes, and challenges they have faced and mentees are encouraged to point out any additional resources they may need to achieve their goals more effectively.

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